Faith comes by hearing God’s word (Romans 10:17). You cannot have faith in God and not know who He is through His word. You cannot have faith in God without a relationship with Him. It is knowing when to trust what He tells you to do without questioning who He is or thinking about what others might say. To have faith in God is to say “yes” to the things that others might think are crazy or ridiculous.
As a child of God, it takes obedience and sacrifice to have faith and walk with God. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice when He shed His blood on the cross for the sins of the world, it was a great price to pay. Likewise, it takes sacrificial love and faith to follow God. The road to everlasting life is not easy but is indeed fulfilling and rewarding. To have faith in God is to deny yourself and your flesh; it sometimes even takes denying your loved ones if they do not believe in what you stand for to be a disciple and servant of the Highest God. Though the road may seem lonely, never forget that sometimes life is a life of solidarity and alone time with God, away from others. Jesus had to go to the garden of Gethsemane to pray and have alone time with His Father. He went to the cross alone physically, but He was not alone spiritually, His father was with Him. So even though the journey gets lonely; you are never alone because God is always with you. To be alone with God is so that you can get recharged and filled with the spirit so you can pour into others.

Solidarity with God and for God doesn’t mean neglecting people or the needs of others; it’s just a testing period of your faith and what you are willing to do, where you are willing to go, and the price you are willing to pay for God. To live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). Paul made this statement because he knew that he was living for Christ and glorifying his name; he knew when he dies it would be good for him as he lived his life for God and fulfill his purpose so he can have everlasting life with Him.
So to have faith in God is to heed His every word. To bring glory to His name while still alive whether you go through suffering or whether rejoicing. Faith in God is allowing Him to take you out of your comfort zone so you develop yourself. He allows you to get uncomfortable to test and refine yourself. So trust the process and never lose faith; instead, allow yourself to be tried by the master to build your faith.
Holy God, there is none other than you, you are an awesome God. Help me to trust you to be my God. I need your strength in everything I do, but I need to trust you with every fiber of my being. Thank you, God, for saving me and helping to strengthen my faith in you. In the name of Jesus.